C1 C2 Cu Detectors For Mac

As there isn't an official guide, I thought this might be useful for those of us using macOS. Disclaimer: This works for me on my portable dev box which is a MBA 2010, running OS X 10.11.6, but it should work for other set-ups too. Download and install the USB UART drivers from here: Download the latest.img Odroid-Go firmware from here: (this doesn't need to be mounted or extracted, it's the firmware image to be written directly to the Go). Install brew from here: Then type the following terminal commands: Code: mba2010: misterbiro$ brew install python3 mba2010: misterbiro$ sudo easyinstall pip mba2010: misterbiro$ sudo pip install esptool As I can't get python3 to replace python on my system, I need to type python3 instead of python, but YMMV. After ESP Tool is installed connect your Odroid-Go to your computer via the supplied (or a known compatible) USB cable and power it on. (I have a number of cables that work fine with RPi's, etc, but which will refuse to allow me to flash any ESP.

C1 C2 Cu Detectors For Machine

devices.) Assuming you installed the SI Labs drivers earlier, the ODGo should appear as /dev/cu.SLABUSBtoUART. If it doesn't appear as this, it may be available as /dev/tty.SLABUSBtoUART. You can check with the following command: Code: mba2010: misterbiro$ ls /dev/cu. If you see /dev/cu.SLABUSBtoUART listed, great! If not, try with /dev/tty. and if you see /dev/tty.SLABUSBtoUART, also great! If you don't see either of these, try a different cable, and failing that following the troubleshooting section on the wiki (TL;DR is, power on while continuing to hold the menu button until you're successfully flashed).

Before flashing any of the ESP devices, I find it's useful to test if it's detected (correctly): Code: mba2010: misterbiro$ python3 -m esptool -port /dev/cu.SLABUSBtoUART flashid This should give an output like the below. Esptool.py v2.3.2-dev Connecting.

Detecting chip type. ESP32 Chip is ESP32D0WDQ6 (revision (unknown 0xe)) Features: WiFi, BT, Dual Core, VRef calibration in efuse Uploading stub. Running stub. Stub running. Manufacturer: c8 Device: 6018 Detected flash size: 16MB Hard resetting via RTS pin. Once the device is detected, change the directory containing the firmware, for example: Code: mba2010: misterbiro$ cd /Downloads/odroid-go Then type the following: (Note: This is current as of release 20180915) Code: mba2010:odroid-go-firmware-bin misterbiro$ python3 -m esptool -chip esp32 -port /dev/cu.SLABUSBtoUART -baud 921600 writeflash -flashmode dio -flashfreq 40m -flashsize detect 0 odroid-go-firmware-20180915.img This should give an output like the below. Esptool.py v2.3.1 Connecting.

Chip is ESP32D0WDQ6 (revision (unknown 0xe)) Features: WiFi, BT, Dual Core, VRef calibration in efuse Uploading stub. Running stub. Stub running. Changing baud rate to 921600 Changed.

Configuring flash size. Auto-detected Flash size: 16MB Compressed 301904 bytes to 146444. Wrote 301904 bytes (146444 compressed) at 0x00000000 in 3.1 seconds (effective 772.7 kbit/s). Hash of data verified. Hard resetting via RTS pin. And that's it. The firmware should be updated to the latest.

Once the firmware is updated, when the Go restarts you will be dropped into the firmware update screen and can see that you're now on version 20180915. Choose the Go Play firmware, Doom or whatever you like. Go-Play firmware If you want to flash the latest Go-Play firmware: Downloaded the latest release from here: Make sure you have turned off the Odroid-Go after flashing the firmware above (or if you're just updating this, make sure the device is turned off) Take the SD card out of the Odroid-Go and use either a USB adapter or micro-full size SD card adapter to connect it to your Mac.

Copy the downloaded 'Go-Play.fw' to the /odroid/firmware/ directory in the root of the SD card, and then eject either by dragging to the Trash or pressing the 'eject' icon. Put the SD card back into the Odroid-Go and hold down the 'B' button.

While continuing to keep 'B' held down, power on the Odroid-Go, and ensure you keep 'B' held until the firmware update screen is displayed. As per @CrashOverride, this will take 5 seconds.

When prompted select the firmware you want to flash (in this case Go Play), press 'Start' and the previously copied Go-Play firmware will be flashed to the Odroid-Go. I'm just posting this for reference - there might be a problem with what I'm doing because I can't get the emulator menu to fire properly. However, I did - I think - get the correct OSX command to flash the new firmware (2018-08-06) (EDIT - I figured this out. I just re-downloaded the 'SkeletonFile', wiped my SD Card and copied the file over. I now have the ColecoVision and SMS emulators.) - Just adding a little bit here.

With the changes in the firmware file structure, I had to change to the firmware directory (cd.) and use the following command to flash the new firmware. Python3 -m esptool -chip esp32 -port /dev/cu.SLABUSBtoUART -baud 921600 writeflash -flashmode dio -flashfreq 80m -flashsize detect 0 odroid-go.img I also had to use the 'pip3 install esptool' command as MisterBiro mentions in order to get the esptools file installed and, for what it's worth, I was unable to install pip via brew I had to do that directly. (I'm not an expert at this sort of stuff but looking around the brew forums, it seems as though other people have had this problem, too.) I have hit a snag when it comes to installing the latest emulator files, though. I boot up by holding the 'b' button and select the file and it goes through the install / verification process but then it boots to a red sd card image with an x in the middle of it. Still tracking this one down. Thanks for this, got me almost all the way there, but I notice the latest firmware updates are in.img files rather than the previous compressed tgz files.

I can't get.img files to mount on my mac, so I can't get to the final step of extracting the files and directing terminal to the.bin file. Or is there a completely different method with the.img file? I see the firmware updates have command lines noted for flashing, but I'm too programming-dumb to adapt it to these instructions.

Posts: 6 Joined: Sun Sep 30, 2018 6:21 am languagesspoken: english. Hotbodhotrod69 wrote:Thanks for this, got me almost all the way there, but I notice the latest firmware updates are in.img files rather than the previous compressed tgz files. I can't get.img files to mount on my mac, so I can't get to the final step of extracting the files and directing terminal to the.bin file. Or is there a completely different method with the.img file? I see the firmware updates have command lines noted for flashing, but I'm too programming-dumb to adapt it to these instructions. I've updated the guide to reflect the flashing of the 20180915 firmware release, the command is pretty much the same, except you only have a single offset (0) and the filename ends in.img rather than.bin.

C1 C2 Cu Detectors For Mac

You don't need to mount or extract the.img file, this is the firmware image to be written directly to the Go. Posts: 10 Joined: Mon Jul 09, 2018 1:17 pm languagesspoken: english. Thanks for posting this guide. I am getting stuck at the 'sudo easyinstall pip' line. I get the following error: Code: Searching for pip Reading Download error on SSL: TLSV1ALERTPROTOCOLVERSION tlsv1 alert protocol version (ssl.c:590) - Some packages may not be found! Couldn't find index page for 'pip' (maybe misspelled?) Scanning index of all packages (this may take a while) Reading Download error on SSL: TLSV1ALERTPROTOCOLVERSION tlsv1 alert protocol version (ssl.c:590) - Some packages may not be found!

No local packages or download links found for pip error: Could not find suitable distribution for Requirement.parse('pip') Not sure what's going on. What am I doing wrong? Any help would be much appreciated! Posts: 3 Joined: Fri Oct 05, 2018 5:58 am languagesspoken: english ODROIDs: ODROID-GO.