John Owen On Twitter: Applications For The Nvivo 10 For Mac

BOSTON, Mass., Feb. 13, 2013 /PRNewswire/ - QSR International today announced that due to demand from the global research community its NVivo 10 software is now available in six new languages: French, German, Portuguese, Spanish and Simplified Chinese. A separate Japanese version is also available. Researchers, students and professors worldwide now have the choice to work with NVivo 10 in their preferred language to capture, manage and analyze unstructured data, like videos, interviews, images, surveys and social media. More than 500,000 researchers around the world from industries like academia, nursing, evaluation and government currently use NVivo for qualitative research to ensure evidence based research findings.

QSR International CEO John Owen commented, 'We recognize that a lot of research being undertaken is in languages other than English and we want to ensure we're supporting these researchers too'. Additionally, all NVivo 10 users will now enjoy greater flexibility when working with social media data. NVivo 10 now includes new functionality enabling the import of YouTube content and the ability to visualize Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube data geographically. These new features add to the already powerful and intuitive technology that is the NCapture browser extension which gives users the capability to access and analyze every kind of online information.

'NVivo 10 is the first qualitative data analysis tool that enables people to easily capture, work with and analyze social media and online data and with the addition of these new languages, we are providing native language access to over 2.3 billion. extra people. 'With the increasing popularity of social media tools like Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn, it was important to us that NVivo 10 supports not only English-speakers but researchers, students and academics the world over,' said Mr Owen.Source: KryssTal About QSR International: QSR International develops research management software that helps people glean insight from unstructured or qualitative data. Over half a million people around the world use QSR software - from professors and PhD students, to Deans, doctors, nurses, marketers, analysts and researchers, QSR's software is used in virtually every field. Their latest software, NVivo 10 helps people access, organize and analyze all their unstructured data, including documents, social media, images, audio, video, and spreadsheets.

Visit to learn more. For more information, please contact: Polly McDougall, Account Director, Sauce Communications, +61 2 6953 7382, SOURCE QSR International Published February 13, 2013 – Reads 929 Copyright © 2013 SYS-CON Media, Inc. — All Rights Reserved. Syndicated stories and blog feeds, all rights reserved by the author. Digital Transformation is much more than a buzzword. The radical shift to digital mechanisms for almost every process is evident across all industries and verticals. This is often especially true in financial services, where the legacy environment is many times unable to keep up with the rapidly shifting demands of the consumer.

John Owen On Twitter: Applications For The Nvivo 10 For Mac Download

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Digital Transformation: Preparing Cloud & IoT Security for the Age of Artificial Intelligence. As automation and artificial intelligence (AI) power solution development and delivery, many businesses need to build backend cloud capabilities. Well-poised organizations, marketing smart devices with AI and BlockChain capabilities prepare to refine compliance and regulatory capabilities in 2018. Volumes of health, financial, technical and privacy data, along with tightening compliance requirements. Charles Araujo is an industry analyst, internationally recognized authority on the Digital Enterprise and author of The Quantum Age of IT: Why Everything You Know About IT is About to Change.

As Principal Analyst with Intellyx, he writes, speaks and advises organizations on how to navigate through this time of disruption. He is also the founder of The Institute for Digital Transformation and a sought after keynote speaker. He has been a regular contributor to both InformationWeek and CIO Insight. Andrew Keys is Co-Founder of ConsenSys Enterprise. He comes to ConsenSys Enterprise with capital markets, technology and entrepreneurial experience.

Previously, he worked for UBS investment bank in equities analysis. Later, he was responsible for the creation and distribution of life settlement products to hedge funds and investment banks. After, he co-founded a revenue cycle management company where he learned about Bitcoin and eventually Ethereal. Andrew's role at ConsenSys Enterprise is a mul.

John Owen On Twitter: Applications For The Nvivo 10 For Mac

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QSR International appoints Kerri Sinclair as CEO Australian-founded global tech company, QSR International, has appointed Kerri Sinclair as its CEO following the decision by former CEO, John Owen, to step down after 15 years in the role. Owen, who has led QSR since 2001 as the company’s first CEO, is said to be leaving to explore new challenges.

However, he will continue to serve in an advisory capacity as a non-executive director. While at the helm of QSR, Owen was responsible for driving the company’s growth from a small academically-focused business to a global software company.

“I’m very proud of the company’s achievements over the past 15 years – it’s been a thrilling ride to be part of the QSR growth story and to witness NVivo helping so many users around the world gain deeper insights from their data,” he said. Sinclair brings to QSR more than 20 years of management experience in the technology industry, and will commence work on September 28. Sinclair joins QSR from Aconex, where she served as senior vice-president of new business. She was in this role for a little over three years. Prior to this, Sinclair served as the company’s Asia and India general manager for almost three years before she was promoted to the role of strategic projects general manager in May 2010.

She was in this role for more than two years. Before Aconex, Sinclair was general manager of market response (strategy) at Telstra Wholesale, a role she held on to for a little over a year. She also previously held the positions of strategy and deal construction general manager and wholesale transmission and wavelengths senior product manager for 16 months and 10 months respectively. Some of her other stints include working in companies such as Intelematics Australia, AgentArts, LookSmart, and Gold-Bug Consulting. Sinclair is also on the Board of Springboard Australia Accelerator program, which supports women-led companies in technology and life sciences.

“QSR has a strong history in product innovation and keeping a step ahead of the changing data landscape. I’m excited to lead the highly talented team at QSR in continuing to build upon the company’s strong presence in the education sector as well as position it for rapidly increasing relevance in new industries and geographic markets,” she said. Slideshows ASI Solutions hosts key customers following bumper 2018 ASI Solutions welcomed key customers and vendors to close out a stellar year of growth in 2018, through a celebration lunch in Sydney. Industry figures shine at 2018 ARN Women in ICT Awards A host of industry figures came together to share insights and guidance at the 2018 ARN Women in ICT Awards, shining a spotlight on the leading female front runners across Australia. Meet the leading female front runners in tech ARN is proud to announce the winners of the 2018 ARN Women in ICT Awards, playing host to the leading female front runners across the channel.